We continue to work at Tech Services to keep our filtering up to date, blacklist questionable sites, and investigate additional safeguards.
But perhaps the best safeguard is simply education and vigilance. We recommend that when students use Chromebooks at home, they use them in visible places, and must share their activities with their parents at all times. For a great resource on this, we recommend https://www.commonsensemedia.org/. The parent section has a ton of information about safe online practices, and how to help your children understand the internet.
That said, we have families who do not want the Chromebooks sent home. In that case, the assigned Chromebook is secured each night, and is handed back to the student the next morning. The main concern for that solution is it misses a valuable experience for the child - learning how to use technology responsibly. In some cases the child cannot take their Chromebook home, but then simply uses their smartphone to the same ends. It's a digital world, and the challenge for parents is how to keep their children safe within it.
Please do not hesitate to reach out to the Director of Technology, Richard Wert, with any specific concerns or questions.