Fiscal Fraud & Misuse of Property Hotline
Hotline Program Information
If you are aware of any instances of fiscal fraud and/or misuse of property within the Hyde Park Central School District, please use the contact information below to report it using our anonymous hotline program.
- Website:
- Anonymous Reporting App: Keyword: hpcsd
- Detailed instructions can be found here
- Toll-Free Telephone:
- English speaking USA and Canada: 833-687-0001
- Spanish speaking USA and Canada: 800-216-1288
- Spanish speaking Mexico: 01-800-681-5340
- French speaking Canada: 855-725-0002
- Contact us if you need a toll-free # for North American callers speaking languages other than English, Spanish or French
- E-mail: (must include school name with report)
- Fax: (215) 689-3885 (must include school name with report)