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FOIL Requests

Freedom of Information Law (FOIL)

Welcome to the Hyde Park Central School District's Freedom of Information Law Resource page.
The Freedom of Information Law reaffirms your right to know how your government agency operates.  This applies to Public School Districts.  It provides rights of access to records reflective of governmental (District) decisions and policies.  Generally, the law applies to existing public records. 
Limitations to FOIL requests:
1.  The District is not required to create a new record or report or gather new information for a FOIL request. 
2.  Private, personnel information and school records are not "FOILable"
3.  FOILs are meant to provide public information when requested.
FOILs requests must be written requests.  You can send a FOIL request by e-mail to: FOIL@HPCSD.ORG
To use the on line FOIL Request form please click on the link to the right. 
FOILs can also be mailed to the district office:  HPCSD, Attn: FOIL Officer, PO Box 2033, Hyde Park, NY 12538

Committee on Open Government's website

This link provides information from the Department of State - Committee on Open Government


FOIL Request Online Form

This link provides on online submission form.