Board of Education
Hyde Park Schools Board of Education
Welcome to the Hyde Park Central School District's Board of Education Page
Communication with our board members is available by using Responses will be provided by the President or Vice President.
The Board of Education consists of seven non-salaried, uncompensated individuals who are elected by the community for staggered three-year terms and one student ex-officio board member. Under the NY State Education Law, the Board is a corporate body responsible for:
* the education of students who attend the schools of the district;
* the preparation of the annual budget;
* district adherence to state law and State Education Department regulations;
* the establishment of policies;
* and for the adoption of regulations concerning the conduct of our public schools.
The Superintendent of Schools is charged with the administration of policies.
Meetings and Minutes:
During the school year, board meetings are generally held on the second and fourth Thursday of each month opening at 5:30 pm and going into an anticipated executive session, returning to open session at approximately 7:00 p.m. Unless otherwise noted, meeting locations vary. During the Summer Months, BOE Meetings are held at the District Office, 11 Boice Road. There is a link below for Media Releases which include our board meeting schedule and notice of the most current changes. The meetings also appear on the District Calendar. Changes, including weather related changes, will be noted on the district web page.
Community members are invited and welcome to attend all board meetings. Residents wishing to address the Board may do so during the "public participation" sections of the meeting. We typically offer two opportunities for participation. If a speaker wishes to present materials, they should be given to the District Clerk for distribution to the Board before the meeting begins.
Board agendas and attachments can be viewed by clicking on the BoardDocs link. BOE meetings are live streamed and can be found on the home page or going to HPCSD's YouTube page. After board meetings, the livestream is connected to each item. You can quickly navigate to a particular section to view the recording of that item by selecting the film icon in the top right corner of each item. Meeting minutes are posted within 10 days of any meeting, per NYS ED Law.
District Clerk
Joanne Mikula "Jay" 11 Boice Road Hyde Park, NY 12538 Email: (845)229-4000 ext. 1001 |
Board of Education Members -Email for all board members:
Michael Tibbetts |
Christine Pemberton
Carl Tomik |
Lizbet Angel-Ojeda |
BOE Meetings on YouTube
Once you are on the Hyde Park CSD YouTube page, you will see the dates of the BOE meetings. Select the meeting you wish to watch by the date.