2025-2026 Budget Vote and Board Member Election
Vote Date: Tuesday, May 20, 2025
Location: Haviland Middle School - Polls open 6 a.m. to 8:00 p.m..
The Board of Education Annual Meeting will occur after the polls close and ballots have been counted.
The purpose of this meeting is to accept vote results.
A qualified voter is a United States citizen, 18 years of age or older, a permanent resident within the District for a period of thirty (30) days immediately prior to the vote and per HPCSD Policy 2120.2 “Qualified voters must either be registered with the school district’s board of registration, or be on a current voter list maintained by the local Board of Elections.”
VOTER REGISTRATION - There are multiple ways to register to vote. Registration is required, per HPCSD Policy 2120.2, to participate in a school district vote.
- Qualified voters can print a registration form through the Dutchess County Board of Elections (845) 486-2473;
- Registration applications are available in other languages at the DC Board of Elections.
- Submit an on-line voter registration with the NYS Department of Motor Vehicles NYS DMV Electronic Voter Registration.
- Registration forms can also be picked up at the district office, 11 Boice Road, Hyde Park during regular business hours M-F, 8:30-3:30 (except holidays).
- The District’s Board of Registration will also hold Voter Registration on THURSDAY, 8, 2025, at District Office (11 Boice Road, Hyde Park), between 4:00 - 8:00 pm. If you have not registered with Dutchess County Board of Elections, this is the last opportunity to register to vote at the May 20, 2025 vote.
ABSENTEE & Early Mail Voting:
Absentee and Early Mail Ballots must be received by the District Clerk no later than 5 p.m. on the day of the
24-25 Budget Vote & BOE Member Election, May 20, 2025.
All registered voters on the Dutchess County Board of Elections Permanent Absentee list will automatically be sent an absentee ballot (no action needed).
All others who wish to vote via Absentee Ballot OR Early Mail Ballot must submit an Absentee/ Early Mail Ballot Application to the District Clerk in order to be issued the corresponding ballot. These application forms can be downloaded from the district’s website, hpcsd.org, Board of Education, Vote page using the following links:
Absentee Ballot Application - English
Absentee Ballot Application- Spanish
Early Mail Ballot Application- English
Early Mail Ballot Application- Spanish
You can also pick up applications at the District Office or email a request to jmikula@hpcsd.org. (Note: Submissions must be the original document- emailed signed applications cannot be accepted). If you need assistance, contact the District Clerk at jmikula@hpcsd.org or by calling 845-229-4000 x 1001.
Absentee/ Early Mail Ballot Applications must be received by the District Clerk not more than thirty (30) and at least seven (7) days prior to the election and vote (between 4/21/25 and 5/12/25), if the ballots are to be mailed to the voter, or the day before the election and vote (5/19/25) if the ballots are to be personally picked up by the voter or the voter’s designated agent set forth on the application.
Absentee and Early Mail Ballots must be received by the District Clerk no later than 5:00 p.m. on the day of the Vote, May 20, 2025, to be counted.
Military voters may apply to register as a qualified voter of the school district and/or submit an application for a military ballot. Military voters may designate a preference to receive a military voter registration, military ballot application or military ballot by mail, facsimile transmission or electronic mail in their request for such registration, ballot application or ballot.
Military voter registration application forms are found on the Dutchess County Board of Elections site https://elections.dutchessny.gov/forms/#forms-for-voting.
Military Voter Applications Must be received as soon as possible to allow for time to send and receive ballots. Military Absentee Ballots will be sent out by April 25, 2025.
Military Voter Ballots must be received by the District Clerk no later than 5:00 p.m. on the day of the 2025-2026 Budget Vote & Board Member Election May 20, 2025 to be counted.
Questions about the 25-26 Budget?
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