Universal Pre-K Program
Universal Pre-K
Holy Trinity Annex Pre-K
Hyde Park Elementary Pre-K
Universal Pre-K in Hyde Park
Hyde Park Central School District implemented a Universal Pre-K program for the 2014-2015 school year. The program has grown from 140 students to 147 students with locations at Hyde Park Elementary under the direction of Abilities First and at Holy Trinity Annex under the direction of the Catholic School Region of Dutchess. Both sites are under the supervision of the Hyde Park School District. The program will provide a full day program, following the Hyde Park CSD calendar and has a rich, preschool curriculum that has been approved by the New York State Education Department. Class size will meet the needs of our youngest learners.
Students receiving special education services will be placed through the Committee on Preschool Special Education process. Students without special needs will register through the Hyde Park CSD, using the application form listed.
The following is a sample full day's schedule:
- Arrival - greeting, choice of a quiet activity
- Snack
- Small group – morning meeting, which includes mini-lessons. Children then choose centers.
- Center time – child initiated activities with teacher support as needed.
- Recall time – review of centers
- Large Motor – outdoor playground play or similar activity
- Lunch
- Small group – example: science/math/art/story/ teacher guided activities
- Music and movement
- Center time
- Closing meeting
- Dismissal
Frequently Asked Questions
-Who is eligible?
Students living in the Hyde Park CSD who will turn four by December 1, 2024, for the 24-25 U Pre-K program.
-How much does it cost?
Universal Pre-K is fully funded through a grant. There is no charge to families for this program.
-How do I apply?
Call for an appointment to submit your completed packet. The Registration Office is located at District Office, 11 Boice Road, in the town of Hyde Park – 12538.
Forms will also be available at each elementary building and at the district office.
-How will I know if my child has been accepted?
Families will receive written notification of their acceptance upon receipt of a letter at the end of May.
-Is transportation provided?
Yes, the Hyde Park CSD will provide transportation.