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Social-Emotional Learning/DASA

Dignity for All Students Act [DASA]

The Hyde Park Central School District Board of Education condemns and strictly prohibits all forms of discrimination, such as harassment, hazing and bullying on school grounds, school buses and at all school-sponsored activities, programs and events.

A form, located on this page, can be used to report incidents of bullying behavior and/or harassment. As an alternative to completing this form, anyone who wishes to report an incident may speak directly to a Building Administrator.

Building Dignity Act Coordinators

Michael Ruella

Franklin D Roosevelt High School

Eric Shaw

Haviland Middle School

Josefine Wilber

Haviland Middle School, Netherwood Elementary School

Megan D'Alessandro

North Park Elementary School

Matthew Darling

Ralph R Smith Elementary School

Nicolle Strang

Violet Avenue Elementary School

Code of Conduct &
Student Handbooks

Hyde Park CSD Code of Conduct

Student Attendance

HPCSD BOE Policy 5100: Student Attendance
5100 Student Attendance