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Health & Physical Education

FDR High School Department of Physical Education, Health and Athletics

Request for Physical Education Exemption Option

Eligibility and Criteria for the Physical Education Exemption Option

1.     Students must be in a 12th grade student sport to be eligible.

2.     Student Athletes must be a current member in good standing on a varsity team during the marking period the exemption is requested.

3.     Students must be academically eligible under the Athletic and Co-curricular Eligibility Policy. If requesting a 1st marking period exemption, the student must be academically eligible in the previous year as reflected by your report card.

4.     Student must have earned a minimum grade of 80 in physical education in the previous marking period. If a student is requesting a 1st marking period exemption, the student must have a final grade of 80 or above in physical education in the previous year as reflected by your report card.

5.     Students must pass the Physical Fitness Test. Students apply for fall exemption must use the fitness score form the previous spring and the students applying for winter and spring exemptions must use the fall scores.

Requirements for the Physical Education Exemption Option

1.     The student must complete and submit a Request for the Physical Education Exemption Option Program Application by the date specified to the Director of Physical Education before approval will be granted.

2.     The student must complete and submit a Request for the Physical Education Exemption Option Program Application by the date specified to the Director of Physical Education before approval will be granted.

3.     The student will be exempt from participation in physical education for one (1) full quarter from the time approval is granted during the sport season in which the student participates. All marking period dates with coincide with the start of the Physical Education Exemption.

Fall Sports                    1st Quarter

Winter Sports               2nd Quarter and 3rd Quarter Progress Report

Spring Sports               4th Quarter

4.     Students enrolled in the Exemption Option Program will be assigned and are to report to a study hall or the equivalent. Students must remain in school and use the time to do school work. Leaving campus without permission may warrant the loss of this exemption for the remainder of the season.

5.     The student must follow the athletic code of conduct.

6.     The student must return to their scheduled physical education class immediately upon the conclusion of the marking period in which he/she was exempt.

7.     Failure to demonstrate adherence to any of these expectations may result in the loss of this privilege and immediate return to your physical education class.

Grade Protocols for Physical Education Exemption Option

1.     Students who successfully complete this option will receive a Pass/Fail grade for the marking period he/she was exempt from physical education. (Note: PE grade is not included in the calculation of a student’s GPA).

2.     Any student who loses this exemption privilege must return immediately to his/her scheduled physical education class.

3.     The varsity coach must report all student athletes quitting or being removed from the team to the athletic office. Those students will have lost their exemption privilege and must report to their assigned physical education teacher.

4.     Any student who loses the exemption privilege during the first two weeks of the quarter will return to physical education class and receive a prorated numerical grade. Students who lose the exemption privilege after the first two weeks will receive a Pass/Fail in consultation the teacher, varsity coach and director of physical education.

Application Process

Students who wish to exercise this option must complete and submit a Physical Education Exemption Application, in accordance with the schedule below. The deadline for applications will be five school days after the quarter begins.